Reminder! PCSSD schools and district offices will be closed on Monday, September 2 in observance of Labor Day. We will reopen for regular hours on Tuesday, September 3. #pcssdproud #serveall
6 months ago, PCSSD
Reminder School Will Be Closed
September is Attendance Awareness Month & PCSSD is challenging all students to Be a H.E.R.O. (Here, Everyday, Ready, On Time)! Schools that attain 95% attendance in September will be entered to win a snow cone party! 🍧🥳 Learn more about the challenge here:
6 months ago, Maumelle Middle
Maumelle Middle Attendance Awareness Month
Please remind your students to charge their Chromebook every night and bring it ready for instruction every day to school. Chargers should really be left at home to keep them safe and we do not have the capacity at school for charging student devices. The battery on the new device is great and should last all day. Students should only charge their Chromebook with the charger they were issued, nothing else, please. Any Chromebook questions or concerns can be sent to Traci Matthews, Please consider getting the insurance for the new Chromebook. It is $27 and covers a variety of damages. Families will pay the company directly. No money needs to be sent to the school for insurance. or call 877-307-6777 Thank you! Go Stingers!!!
6 months ago, Traci Matthews
Team building is in full swing at MAUMELLE MIDDLE. Using AVID strategies, students were tasked with a problem to solve using creative thinking and cooperation. AVID strategies follow the WICOR model - writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization & reading. #pcssdproud #serveall
6 months ago, Maumelle Middle
Maumelle Middle AVID Strategies
Maumelle Middle AVID Strategies
Maumelle Middle AVID Strategies
Maumelle Middle AVID Strategies
Maumelle Middle AVID Strategies
Maumelle Middle AVID Strategies
Maumelle Middle AVID Strategies
📣 Stinger Family, Game Day Expectations! 🏈🎉 As we kick off our fall athletic season, please remember that students attending extracurricular events after school as spectators must have a parent or guardian with them for the entire event. Students without a parent or guardian present will not be allowed to attend. Thank you for helping us create a safe and supportive environment for all our students and families. We can't wait to see everyone showing their Stinger pride!
6 months ago, Janna Carr
Game Day Expectations
Volleyball Expectations
Continuing to showcase the first days of school activities...Coach Butler's classes, took the time to get to know each other, using AVID strategies. In this strategy, the played the blanket game. This activity helps them continue to get to know their classmates! Go Stingers!!!
6 months ago, Traci Matthews
Continuing to showcase the first days of school activities... Ms. Csege's General Music classes participated in Mingle Bingo! Students enjoyed getting to know each other. Go Stingers!!!
6 months ago, Traci Matthews
music 5
music 4
On Women's Equality Day, we celebrate the anniversary of the 19th Amendment. When it was added to the US Constitution in 1920, it granted women the right to vote. #pcssdproud #serveall
6 months ago, PCSSD
women's equality day
We'll round out National Immunization Awareness Month with the CDC's vaccine guide for 7-18 year olds. Check it out here: #pcssdproud #serveall
6 months ago, PCSSD
immunization month
Continuing to showcase the first days of school activities...Ms. Johnson's classes randomly pulled a skittle and matched it to a color on the board which corresponded to a question to help us get to know one another and build classroom community! Go Stingers!!!
7 months ago, Traci Matthews
Continuing to showcase the first days of school activities... Dr. Franco's classes were building interpersonal relationships with AVID strategies, they made their notebook covers and learned to introduce themselves to their peers in Spanish. Just creating a team! Go Stingers!!!
7 months ago, Traci Matthews
spanish class1
spanish class4
spanish class2
spanish class3
spanish class5
Greetings Parents, This is Nurse Aaron at Maumelle Middle School. I wanted to send out a reminder: ANY medication at the school MUST go through the Nurse's Office. -- A Medication Administration Release Form must be filled out and on file for a student to self-carry any medication. -- Over the counter medications (OTCs) must be prescribed by a physician in order for the student to have it at school. (This includes things like ibuprofen, tylenol, benadryl, etc.) -- The district medication policy is in the Student Handbook on page 55 for your convenience. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Go Stingers!!!
7 months ago, Traci Matthews
Continuing to showcase the first days of school activities... Ms. Hodges' classes participated in the following: Creating name tents so we can learn each other's names and playing 2 Truths and a Lie to get to know those at their tables. Great job, students! Thank you! Go Stingers!!!
7 months ago, Traci Matthews
hodges' class1
hodges' class2
hodges' class3
Our wonderfully creative teachers have been providing engaging lessons for their classes during these first days of school! Ms. Faulkner's classes have participated in the following: THE PROBLEM Fred wanted to go fishing in the ocean while on vacation. Fred never wears his life vest. Unfortunately, Fred got caught in a storm, and his boat overturned with Fred underneath the boat while his life vest floated away from him. Did I mention Fred cannot swim? THE SOLUTION You and your team are responsible for saving Fred. You need to move the boat off Fred and ensure that Fred has his life vest on before you can declare victory. RULES You may not touch Fred. You may use only the four paperclips to move Fred, the boat and the life vest. You may not injure Fred in any way. You may not touch anything except the paper clips. Thank you! Go Stingers!!!
7 months ago, Traci Matthews
Faulkner's class2
faulkners class7
faulkners class3
Faulkner's class4
Faulkner's class6
Faulkner's class5
Faulkner's class1
Our Lady Stingers Volleyball Team would like to thank the following people, for getting our concessions Game Day ready! We are so thankful for our families and businesses that support Maumelle Athletics! Barbara Berry Crews and Associates The Dallas Family The Jackson Family Little Caesars Maumelle Go Stingers!!!
7 months ago, Traci Matthews
Lady Stingers 7th and 8th grade basketball tryouts are Aug. 29 from 4:15-5:30 in the gym! Please sign up in room 809 or the gym. You may contact Coach Mooney for more information. Go Stingers!!!
7 months ago, Traci Matthews
volleyball tryouts
We will begin our Chromebook distribution to students on Thursday, August 22. This will be done through Social Studies classes. We appreciate your patience with this process as this will take a few days. Please sign the Educational Technology Consent Form, if you have not done so already. Thank you! Go Stingers!!!
7 months ago, Traci Matthews
Happy First Day of School! Time for one of our favorite first-day-traditions...seeing all of our students' smiling faces. Just a reminder to send us your first day pics - We'll share them later this week! #pcssdproud #serveall
7 months ago, PCSSD
First Day of School
'Twas the night before school starts, and all through the district Our teachers are feeling quite optimistic. The buses and classrooms were prepped with such care, Ready to welcome the students with fresh lessons to share. In Maumelle, stingers from five awesome school Will swarm the hallways and follow the rules. Always buzzing to play, to learn and to grow Excited to be back at the best school that they know! All the birds, bears and bobcats from our Sylvan Hills Feeder, Will be ready to go because they're so eager. They're quick to connect, joining hands, setting records Bringing smiles and pride to the city of Sherwood! Our Mills feeder students shine bright as they dream We’ve got dragons, big cats and birds on the team. Soaring to become Comets, brightening the sky As they work to graduate from Mills University Studies High. As Senators, Broncos, Gators and Panthers climb into bed Our Robinson students are resting their heads. This feeder is DRIVEN, they are ready to rock It’s time to sleep, no more watching the clock. The start of the 24-25 school year is looking so bright! Our teachers, admin and staff wish you all a good night! #pcssdproud #serveall
7 months ago, PCSSD
Twas the night before school starts
Twas the night before school starts
Twas the night before school starts
Twas the night before school starts
Twas the night before school starts
Twas the night before school starts
It’s National Immunization Awareness Month and this handy chart from the CDC will help you keep your child’s vaccines on track between birth and age 6. Check it out here: #pcssdproud #serveall
7 months ago, PCSSD
National Immunization Awareness Month