September is Take your Legislator to School Month. This initiative helps build better communication between our state’s lawmakers and educators. Be on the lookout for legislators visiting classrooms across PCSSD! #pcssdproud #serveall

Due to the lack of student attendance today, All games will be postponed. They will be rescheduled for a later date. Coaches will reach out with more information. All students will dismissed with the bell today. Thank you! Go Stingers!!!

This National Arts in Education Week! If you walk the halls of a PCSSD school, chances are you’ll spy art on the walls and hear music in the air. Learn more our creative K-12 programs here: https://trst.in/KGD94f #pcssdproud #serveall

Stinger Chefs made hot air balloons following the recipe that went with their News 2 You story for the week. They were able to use their new kitchen tools from Donors Choose!

The Scholastic Book Fair is coming soon to Maumelle Middle School! SAVE THE DATE for September 23-27 and get ready to empower your reader with book choice! Start exploring at https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/maumellemiddleschool
Thank you! Go Stingers!!!

More pictures of our Stingers' first pep rally of the season!

September is Attendance Awareness Month. Starting strong is key! Half the students who miss 2-4 days in September go on to miss a month or more of school. Learn more here: https://trst.in/wzX6Vd #pcssdproud #serveall

Happy Grandparents Day! Today we celebrate the bond between grandparents and grandchildren. This year's theme is “Grand Minds: Learn, Love, Legacy,” highlighting the role of learning across generations. What's something you learned from your grandparent(s)?
#pcssdproud #serveall

September is National Suicide Prevention Month. The Arkansas Department of Health operates the Arkansas Lifeline Call Center, part of the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. If you or someone you know needs help, please call the Arkansas Lifeline Center at 988. #pcssdproud #serveall

We love our volunteers! Volunteering is a great way to help your local school when you can! If you are interested in helping with field trips, special events, sporting events, concession stands, fine art events and many other opportunities, please fill out the Volunteer Application at https://www.pcssd.org/page/volunteer-info. To record volunteer hours for Maumelle Middle School, please go to https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc3o2IyWFTyhGU-4ORP-izsjmcnodvIxa8vk5f6kUZv7VpO9A/viewform
Thank you! Go Stingers!!!

Attention Stinger Families,
The Technology Consent Form for this school year can be filled out using this link: https://permission.click/y4E4Y/int/y899/signee-info
Please make sure this is completed soon. Also, Chromebook insurance can still be purchased. More information can be found here: https://www.pcssd.org/page/chromebook-insurance
Thank you! Go Stingers!!!

Our Stingers enjoyed the first pep rally of the school year today! Band students, 7th and 8th grade volleyball and football teams, dance, pep and cheer teams were all introduced! The band and dance, pep and cheer all performed and the 7th grade won the spirit competition! Great job, everyone! Thank you to all of our team sponsors, coaches, faculty and administration for organizing this event! Go Stingers!!!

Our students and staff are doing a great job on AVID Wednesdays sporting their favorite college shirts. Way to emphasize college and career readiness, Stingers!

Dear Stinger Families,
The loaner Chromebook policy for this year will only apply to those students who have damage or some type of repair and they would be without a device (Chromebook) while theirs is in repair. Students will not be issued a loaner for not having their device at school. This is an accountability piece for all students, to bring their device to school every day, charged and ready for class. Please remind students of this and to keep up with their device at all times. Thank you! Go Stingers!!!

Students in the first two weeks of Dr. Franco's Spanish class were able to communicate their ideas by using basic greetings and goodbyes, sharing their opinions on the importance of learning more than one language, and learning how many countries speak Spanish around the world using fun AVID strategies.

Huge shoutout to 7 Brew Coffee for the amazing treat this morning! ☕️ Your delicious coffee has the Stingers buzzing and ready to tackle the week ahead. Thanks for being such a fantastic community partner and keeping us energized! 🙌

Continuing to showcase the first days of school activities...Mrs. Markland's classes participated in team building activities. Students not only learned a great deal, but enjoyed getting to know each other in their new classes. Go Stingers!!!

September is National Campus Safety Awareness Month.Our security department is committed to providing a safe learning environment for our students, staff & visitors. In addition to our 47 officers, each feeder works in unison with local law enforcement.
#pcssdproud #serveall

Happy Labor Day! The unofficial end of summer, this holiday honors the American labor movement. Their major contributions include safer working conditions, increased health benefits and better hours.
#pcssdproud #serveall

September is Attendance Awareness Month. Do you know PCSSD’s attendance policy? Learn more about our policy and why attendance matters here: https://trst.in/iiG5bv #pcssdproud #serveall