Since 1970, Earth Day is a way for everyone to support for environmental protection. Since switching to Peachjar for nearly all "flyer communication," PCSSD has saved more than 2 million sheets of paper! Ways to celebrate Earth Day: https://trst.in/HnVHDo. #pcssdproud #serveall

Congratulations to Jessica Duff, exec. dir. of communications, on earning her accreditation in public relations this month. The APR reflects a mastery of the knowledge, skills & abilities needed to succeed in the PR field. Read more: https://trst.in/IGgSKI #pcssdproud #serveall

April is Scottish-American Heritage Month where we reflect on the unmistakable mark they have on American culture. People of Scottish heritage were among the original signers of the Declaration of Independence, including James Monroe and Alexander Hamilton. #pcssdproud #serveall

PCSSD is hosting a Career Expo *TOMORROW* (April 20) from 9 am - 12 pm at Mills University Studies High School!! We'll have representatives from every school and department in PCSSD. Pre-register online for pre-screening interviews. www.pcssd.org/careerexpo24 #pcssdproud #serveall

Interested in participating in sports at Maumelle Middle next year? Check out our upcoming tryouts schedule:
•Football Tryouts are Tuesdays and Thursdays in May
-May 7th for all Skill Players.(Quarterbacks, Running backs, Receivers, etc.)
-May 9 for linemen
-Contact RWortham0716@pcssd.org
•Volleyball Tryouts
-Monday May 13th 7th-8th Grade
-Contact JCasey2347@pcssd.org
•Intro to Sports (girls interested in basketball and track)
-Tuesday May 14th 7th-8th grade
-Contact JCasey2347@pcssd.org
•Boys' Basketball Tryouts
-Wednesday May 15th 7th Grade
-Thursday May 16th 8th Grade
-Contact CPhillips7000@pcssd.org
All students must have a current sports physical to try out!!
Tryout times are from 4:00-5:30 pm

Congratulations to 7th grader, Emme Clausen on breaking the school record in the 800 meter run last night at the River City Conference Meet. The record was set in 2016. Congratulations Emme on making Maumelle Middle proud!! Go Stingers!!!

Our Spring Scholastic Book Fair will be her next week, April 22-26! Please check out our special website for more information. Instructions for setting up an eWallet are included here, as well. Thank you! Go Stingers!!!

We are ready for ATLAS! Our students and teachers definitely understood the assignment! Go Stingers!!!

Maumelle Middle Families, if anyone would like to volunteer to help students during lunch time at the Scholastic Book Fair. please use this link to do so. The Book Fair will start on Monday, April 22 and end on Friday, April 26. Thank you! Go Stingers!!!

2024-2025 Sports Physicals will be offered Monday, May 6, from 5:30-6:30 in the gym. The cost is $10, payable by cash or check. Physicals are provided by Dr. Stephen Humbard of Humbard Family Practice. Physical forms can be found in the front office. Please call 501-851-8990 with any questions. Thank you! Go Stingers!!!

Reminder! We're just two weeks away from our Maumelle Middle Preview Night! The event will be held on Tuesday, April 30 from 5-6:30pm! It will be open to incoming 6th graders and students who would be new to Maumelle Middle. Students can get help with creating schedules, learn about clubs and more. We'll have representatives from Band and Choir at the preview night as well! We hope to see you!

Spring School Picture Day is this Friday, April 19!
Order with your student's Student ID or this
Picture Day ID: EVTXVMG9B

Please remind students to charge their Chromebook every night before school in order to be ready for the next school day. Testing is coming up again and we are very limited on the amount of loaner chargers and Chromebooks that students can use. If a student needs to purchase a new charger, those are $20. Thank you! Go Stingers!!!

PCSSD and Linewize are teaming up to create an educational hub for parents and teachers when it comes to online safety. This hub includes articles, videos, courses and more. https://pcssd.onlinesafetyhub.io/ Stay tuned for info about a Parent App with more features! #pcssdproud #serveall

Making smart choices with your money is an essential skill all students should learn. April is financial literacy month which is a great time to educate students about managing their financial lives. Check out these tips from NASFAA: https://trst.in/zzLtIG #pcssdproud #serveall

Tax day is just around the corner! Use this weekend to finish up your taxes and make sure they are postmarked by Monday, April 15.
#pcssdproud #serveall

PCSSD is hosting a Career Expo on Saturday, April 20 from 9 am - 12 pm at Mills University Studies High School. We'll have representatives from every school and department in PCSSD. Pre-register online for pre-screening interviews. www.pcssd.org/careerexpo24 #pcssdproud #serveall

Maumelle Middle is proud to announce our teacher of the year for this 2023-2024 school year - Ms. Whitney Walker! We are so thankful to have Ms. Walker as part of our staff. She is truly an inspiration for our students in all that she does around our school! She will represent Maumelle Middle at the next level to compete for the title of PCSSD Teacher of the Year! Congrats, Ms. Walker!

We're partnering with Pulaski County Government to help improve broadband access across the state. Join the speed test challenge and submit your results to AR Connect. These results will be used to help identify areas to improve access to all Arkansans! https://tinyurl.com/y5942e5r

Our Spring Dance, The Sneaker Ball, is coming up on May 3 from 6:00-8:00! Tickets are $15 and include a meal! Thank you! Go Stingers!!!