Celebrated in May to commemorate the arrival of the first Jewish immigrants to New Amsterdam in 1654, Jewish American Heritage Month honors the history and cultural contributions of Jewish Americans. #pcssdproud #serveall

Better Speech and Hearing Month is the perfect chance to fine tune how you protect your and your family’s hearing. Good rule of thumb: Keep headphone volume below 60% and use noise cancelling earphones instead of turning the volume up. #pcssdproud #serveall

Eighty MAUMELLE MIDDLE students enjoyed fun in the sun as a celebration for completing the Lexia program this year. They were treated to games and food at Lake Willastein in Maumelle provided by the ELA team. Go Stingers! #pcssdproud #serveall

PCSSD celebrated 27 school-level teachers at its 4th annual awards ceremony this morning. We're excited to announce Jeanie Wilcoxon from CHENAL ELEMENTARY was named the 2023-2024 PCSSD Teacher of the Year! Check out her story: https://www.pcssd.org/article/1614746
#pcssdproud #serveall

Thank you to our AVID teacher, Ms. Jackson for a wonderful AVID Day at Maumelle Middle. Our staff was treated to a great lunch grilled up by our amazing band directors! Our faculty and students got to play college trivia for great AVID swag! Go Stingers!

Congratulations to our 8th Grade Class of 2024! We wish you only the best for your bright futures and we will miss you! Thank you to all who worked to create and carry out our Recognition and Promotion Ceremony! Go Stingers!!!

PCSSD is excited to announce that we will be opening a school based health clinic this fall that will be open to all students and staff. This clinic is a partnership with Mainline Health Systems, Inc. We are excited to offer a multitude of health services to PCSSD! Read more: https://www.pcssd.org/article/1608188
#pcssdproud #serveall

Students, staff and teachers had a wonderful time at Field Day today! Special thanks to families and community members who donated items to help provide snacks and drinks for our students! We would also like to thank our super hard working staff, teachers and administrators who helped make this day possible! Go Stingers!!!

May is Military Appreciation Month. Join PCSSD as we honor veterans, current members of the military and those who died to protect our freedoms. We thank you for your service. #pcssdproud #serveall

We celebrate National Speech-Language Pathologists on May 18. On our campuses, SLPs are experts in communication and help students with speech, thought organization, comprehension and more. Thank you for all you do! #pcssdproud #serveall

This is a reminder that Chromebooks, chargers and bags will be checked in this week.
Monday, May 20 - 8th grade, called in by alphabetical order before Field Day begins
Tuesday, May 21 - 7th grade, checking in through Social Studies classes
Wednesday, May 22 - 6th grade, checking in through Social Studies classes
Students will need to charge their Chromebook the night before, just like a regular school day. Students will be notified of any fines because of damage or loss. Please email Mrs. Matthews, tmatthews1379@pcssd.org, if you have any questions. Thank you! Go Stingers!!!

80 students, 6th - 8th grades, completed the Lexia program this year. The ELA team provided grilled hamburgers and hotdogs, chips, cookies, and ice cold water. The students enjoyed an afternoon of games and beautiful weather at Lake Willastein in Maumelle. Go Stingers!

Because storming weather is predicted for Friday, May 17, Field Day has been moved to Monday, May 20. 8th graders will still check in Chromebooks on Monday, 7th graders on Tuesday and 6th graders on Wednesday. Thank you! Go Stingers!!!

Maumelle Middle School will hold their end of the year Athletic Award Ceremony on Thursday May 23rd at 9:00 am in the cafeteria. This is for Volleyball, Basketball, Track, Football, Dance, and Cheer. Please call the office with any questions. 501-851-8990. Thank you! Go Stingers!!!

Students in Mrs. Gray’s Personal Finance class learned a little bit about the purpose and cost of auto insurance. The students also engaged in a virtual reality construction site to better understand how technology, education, and insurance come together to teach professionals about builder's risk coverage. Love the hands on learning! Special thanks to Dustyne Bryant, Director of Risk & Insurance Education and Research at The National Alliance for Insurance Education & Research for speaking with our students.

Maumelle Middle School
Hello 8th Grade Families,
Promotion is Tuesday, May 21, 2024
Please be at the Maumelle High School auditorium no later than 5:30 pm that evening to line up and get ready for the program. Dress is Sunday Best. No 8th grader will be permitted to walk unless he/she is dressed appropriately.
Earlier that same day, students will practice at the Maumelle High School auditorium, have an opportunity to meet some of their new teachers and their new principal, and tour the high school. Students will return to the middle school campus by 12 noon in time for lunch.
Attendance at practice is REQUIRED for a student to participate in the ceremony that evening. If you are planning to check an 8th grader out of school early that day, please wait until noon.
Direct any questions to the Counseling Department
Thank you! Go Stingers!!!

Chromebooks, chargers and bags will be checked in on the following dates through social studies classes:
May 20 - 8th grade
May 21 - 7th grade
May 22 - 6th grade
May 23 and 24 - make up check in days
Students with outstanding fines for damages or items not returned will not receive the new Chromebook when we return for the 2024-2025 school year. They will start the year off with a good condition loaner Chromebook. Please contact Mrs. Matthews, tmatthews1379@pcssd.org, if you have any questions.
Thank you! Go Stingers!!!

In the US, there are over 400,000 children and teens in foster care. During National Foster Care Month, we acknowledge the kids growing up in foster care, show gratitude to foster parents and raise awareness for the kids waiting for safe, supportive homes. #pcssdproud #serveall

We love celebrating our teachers! Thanks to PCSSD, Baldwin & Shell Construction Company, and The Law Firm of Bequette, Billingsley & Kees, P.A. for providing Chuy’s to our entire certified staff last Thursday for Teachers Appreciation Week! #pcssdproud #serveall

Observed each May, Mental Health Awareness Month highlights the importance of mental health, reduces stigma surrounding mental illness and celebrates recovery from mental disorders. Learn more about mental health and its impact: https://mhanational.org/ #pcssdproud #serveall