REMINDER: schools will be closed next week (Nov. 25 - Nov. 29) for Fall Break. Central office will be only be closed Thursday (Nov. 28) and Friday (Nov. 29).
over 5 years ago, PCSSD
fall break 2019
This is American Education Week and today we kick off the week to honor our education community members who are each critical in building great public schools in Pulaski County! #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence #AEW2019
over 5 years ago, PCSSD
American Ed Week 1
November is Child Safety and Protection Month. The National Safety Council and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration encourage teen drivers to put down their cell phones, slow down and wear a seatbelt.
over 5 years ago, PCSSD
Drama Kids International (DKI) is now taking applications for the spring. DKI is for teens who want to expand their skills in acting, public speaking and performing. Classes are held after school each week. For more information visit or call 501-420-4024.
over 5 years ago, Kelly DeVun
Thank you, veterans, for your service.
over 5 years ago, PCSSD
Veterans Day
Today is National Book Lovers Day! Check out the Maumelle feeder Teacher Librarians' favorite books. #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence
over 5 years ago, PCSSD
PCSSD schools held grand re-openings on Tuesday to change the name of our school Media Centers to Library Learning Centers. Check out all the cool pictures of the new looks:
over 5 years ago, PCSSD
MMS officially renamed the media center to the Library Learning Center! Community members who were present were: Dr. McNulty, superintendent of PCSSD, school board member Alicia Gillen, Lavonne Juhl - PTSO president, Janet Clements - Farmers Insurance Agency of Maumelle, Mr. Burgess -principal, Ms. Matthews - Teacher Librarian and members of the MMS book club.
over 5 years ago, Kelly DeVun
Renaming of the media center
Members of the book club and community
Ribbon cutting ceremony
Ribbon cutting ceremony
November is Child Safety and Protection Month. Did you know more than 200,000 playground-related injuries happen each year in the US? Keep a close eye on children to ensure they are using equipment properly and it is age appropriate.
over 5 years ago, PCSSD
Playground safety
Congratulations to our Life Skills students for bringing home numerous ribbons and medals from the Special Olympic bowling event today! Way to go Stingers!
over 5 years ago, Kelly DeVun
Special Olympics participants
Special Olympics bowling participants
REMINDER: Schools are closed Wednesday - Friday for teacher and leadership professional development. See you Monday, Nov. 4!
over 5 years ago, PCSSD
The MMS 1st Quarter Honor Roll Celebration will be Tuesday evening, Nov. 5th at 6 pm. A reception will follow the ceremony. Please make plans to attend.
over 5 years ago, Ryan Burgess
School is ending today at the regularly scheduled time. No change.
over 5 years ago, Ryan Burgess
Tomorrow it's our first PBIS event of the year, the Tug-O-War tournament! Participating students only are allowed to wear athletic shorts of appropriate length on tommorow. The concession stand will be open as well during this time. It's going to be a lot of fun. We plan to dismiss the students at 2:30. Parent chaperones are welcomed! See you there!
over 5 years ago, Ryan Burgess
6th Grade Basketball Skills and Drills will be tomorrow from 9:00-11:00 am in the MMS gym. Students must have a current physical.
over 5 years ago, Kelly DeVun
Don't forget that students get a little fall break NEXT week. Schools are closed Wednesday (Oct. 30) - Friday (Nov. 1) for districtwide professional development. You can find all district events on the website:
over 5 years ago, PCSSD
Just a reminder that when you are picking up your child after school, you need to use the car lane. No student is to be picked up at the gym end or in the teacher's parking lot. We do not have supervision in these areas and this may be a safety issue. Thank you for your help!
over 5 years ago, Kelly DeVun
Today was tie dye day for HOCO and Red Ribbon Week! Let's show our grade level colors tomorrow! 6th grade - White 7th grade - Red 8th grade - Black
over 5 years ago, Kelly DeVun
red ribbon week
red ribbon week
red ribbon week
Today was pajama day for HOCO and Red Ribbon Week! Don't forget to wear your tie dye tomorrow!
over 5 years ago, Kelly DeVun
Pajama Day
Pajama Day
The Division of Elementary and Secondary Education, formerly ADE, is seeking feedback regarding the social studies academic standards. The deadline to complete the survey is Nov. 1, 2019. Parent Survey:
over 5 years ago, Kelly DeVun