November is National Military Family Appreciation Month, a time to honor the resilience and sacrifices of military families. Thank you for your service and unwavering support! #pcssdproud #serveall

Some of our fabulous staff and the wonderful Stinger Basketball Teams participated in a Student/Faculty game as part of Red Ribbon Week activities! Cheerleaders performed, teachers educated the crowd on the dangers of drugs and alcohol and there was even a 3 point contest! The staff won by one point! Go Stingers!!!

Don't forget to set your clocks back one hour when you go to bed tonight. Daylight Saving Time ends at 2 a.m. - meaning you "gain" an hour of sleep. There are only two states that don't observe DST: Hawaii and Arizona (with the exception of Navajo Nation). #pcssdproud #serveall

Another group of outstanding Stingers earned Positive Office Referrals this month for going above and beyond for their teachers and classmates! Each month, we celebrate students who show us what it truly means to Empower Excellence at Maumelle Middle. Keep up the great work, Stingers—let's keep making Maumelle Middle a place where we strive for greatness every day! #GoStingers #EmpowerExcellence

We were so proud to celebrate our Stinger Scholars with Stinger Scholar Spotlight awards on October 31!
A & A-B Honor Roll, Attendance Awards, Stinger of the Month, Top Earners-IXL, Lexia Legends, Hive Awards were recognized. Over 129 Stinger Scholars received certificates! These photos represent a small example of those who were honored. Go Stingers!!!

The community is cordially invited to the Maumelle Middle School Autumn Stinger Showcase on Tuesday, November 19, 2024 from 5:30-7:00 PM!
An introduction to Student Success Plans & the Academies of Central Arkansas
Schoology, IXL, & Lexia Tutorials for Parents
Fine Arts
Foreign Languages
Science Labs
Check us out! Go Stingers!!!

Celebrated in Mexico, Día de los Muertos has roots in both ancient Aztec customs and All Souls' Day introduced by the Spanish in the 1500s. This holiday centers on families gathering to pay respect to friends and family who have died. #pcssdproud #serveall

Ms. Martin's art classes have begun the papermaking process! By taking recycled paper and a bit of construction paper, students experimented with different size frames and different colors of paper. Each student found their role in the process by either using the blender, pressing the paper or organizing the drying paper. The paper will be used in a nature collage project. Ms. Benton's 6th grade class came over as a guest class to join the fun!

Our Spanish students have been working on a project for Día de Muertos, a tradition that honors deceased loved ones and celebrates their lives on November 1 and 2. They created:
🌺“ La Catrina,” which symbolizes the cycle of life and serves as a reminder to enjoy life and accept death.
🌺 “Ofrenda,” an altar where students placed photos of athletes, musicians, artists, writers, PCSSD coworkers, family members, pets, and more who recently passed away.

🎃Happy Halloween!🎃 If your family celebrates, share what your student will dress up as this year! #pcssdproud #serveall

October is Dyslexia Awareness Month. Did you know dyslexia affects about 1 in 5 students, making it the most commonly diagnosed learning disability? Learn more about dyslexia here: https://trst.in/SJ6qlP
#pcssdproud #serveall

Maumelle Middle School Families,
This is a reminder that our ATLAS Writing Test will take place on Tuesday, Oct. 29. On Wednesday, Oct. 30, we have school picture day throughout the day and the flu shot clinic will be from 1:00-3:00. Thank you! Go Stingers!!!

Maumelle Middle School students were able to participate in the Pink Out Party at the end of our Homecoming Week! This was a PBIS event and students could hang out with friends and enjoy snacks from the pop up concession stand. What a fun afternoon! Go Stingers!!!

Our 8th Grade Lady Stingers Volleyball Team participated in a tournament at Sylvan Hills Middle School this weekend. It was their last event as a team. They played with heart and spirit, just like they have all season. Special thanks to Coach Casey for all of his dedication to this team through their years at Maumelle Middle! Go Stingers!!!

October is National Bullying Prevention Month, and that includes cyberbullying that takes place online. Parents and teachers can learn the warning signs of cyberbullying to help students who are involved here: https://trst.in/rRnxeB
#pcssdproud #serveall

We're rounding out the week with an important reminder about the Bus Danger Zone: It’s difficult to see children 10 feet on either side & 10 feet in front of a bus. Make sure your children are aware of this zone!
Learn more here: https://trst.in/821OqQ
#pcssdproud #serveall

Mrs. Carr of MAUMELLE MIDDLE is grateful to her teachers. “Their passion for teaching was evident. These positive interactions have profoundly influenced my own educational journey and continue to guide how I engage with my students today.” #pcssdproud #serveall

Maumelle Middle School students enjoyed a wonderful Homecoming Pep Assembly today! Our choir, band, cheer, dance and pep students and football team were showcased, our beautiful Homecoming Court was honored and many students participated in exciting pep assembly games! Go Stingers!!!

We're excited to announce the September Staff of the Month and Teacher of the Month, as voted by their peers!
Ms. Julie - recognized for going above and beyond in helping her students in the classroom. Her dedication, support, and positive attitude make a huge difference every day! Not only does she assist with instruction, but she also goes the extra mile to ensure her students feel empowered and supported.
Coach Casey - is recognized for his outstanding contributions both inside and outside the classroom. He demonstrates excellent classroom management, maintaining great control while creating a positive learning environment for his students. His athletes consistently show respect on and off the court—a true reflection of his leadership and mentorship.
Thank you both so much for all you do for our Stingers! #EmpoweringExcellence #GoStingers

These amazing Stingers were recognized with a Positive Office Referral for going above and beyond for their teachers or classmates. Your hard work and dedication don’t go unnoticed! Thank you for showing us all what it truly means to Empower Excellence. Keep up the great work, and let’s continue making Maumelle Middle a place where we strive for greatness every day! #GoStingers